
Harnessing the Benefits of Kayaking

Harnessing the Benefits of Kayaking

2023 Aug 21st

Kayaking is an exhilarating water sport that offers an array of physical and mental benefits. Below, Western Canoe Kayak delves into the four key advantages of taking up kayaking. Explore our inventory and begin your wild adventure!Improved Physical HealthEngaging in kayaking regularly brings about numerous physical health benefits. The rhythmic paddling motion helps to enhance cardiovascular fitn …
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Paddling Destination: Vedder River, Chilliwack, BC

Paddling Destination: Vedder River, Chilliwack, BC

Posted by Ryan Bayes - WCK Staff on 2016 Nov 29th

The Vedder River in Chilliwack BC is world famous for its year round fishing. Being just 5 minutes from my door it also makes for a great paddling destination. The Vedder River is often passed over by local paddlers as a destination because people expect challenging waters and fast currents, none of which actually reside on the Vedder.Taking the dogs out for a cruise on the boards, Vedder River.Wh …
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